Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Voyages of THE GOLDEN RULE Peace Boat

Join us for a radio show online on Sunday 7 November 2021 at 11 AM Pacific. 
Call in number 310-861-2349.

The Golden Rule: Sailing for a nuclear-free world and a peaceful, sustainable future!

Learn about the small boat with a big mission to stop nuclear madness and militarism in the world.

Take Action to stop the possibility of nuclear war!

Helen Jaccard, the Golden Rule’s Project Manager, will talk about the original 1958 voyage of the Golden Rule peace boat, which played a role in stopping nuclear bomb testing and inspired the founding of Greenpeace.

Since being rebuilt by Veterans For Peace, the Golden Rule has sailed up and down the West Coast and to Hawai’i and back with a message of peace and nuclear abolition.   The mission is to educate the public about nuclear issues today and encourage people to take action to end war and the possibility of nuclear war.

At all ports-of-call, the Golden Rule Ambassadors lead educational discussions, conduct boat tours, and take people sailing on this historic wooden boat.  Their guest speakers are local and national activists working on intersecting issues.

Contact Data


Snail mail: PO Box 87, Samoa, CA 95564


Phone Number: 206-992-6364

Helen Jaccard
Veterans For Peace

Golden Rule Project Manager

The Golden Rule will be in San Diego County January 14 - February 11.  

If you belong to a church, civic club, school, indigenous tribe, political or social group in San Diego County, please invite us to speak to your group!  

You can call Helen Jaccard at 206-992-6364 or to arrange an educational presentation / discussion, a boat tour or a chance to go sailing!

Meda Outlets Cave